
Onboard user to the crypto exchange

API Request structure

Parameter nameTypeMax.lengthValuesDescription
ReferenceID String 255 Your unique reference ID
PersonID Guid Person ID
ExpectedVolume Integer Min 1 max 5 Expected volume
Can be one of the following
  • 1 - 10k€
  • 2 - 25k€
  • 3 - 50k€
  • 4 - 100k€
  • 5 - more than 100k€
  • OpeningReason List OpeningReason
    Can be one of the following
  • 1 - trading
  • 2 - sending or receiving crypto
  • 3 - purchasing crypto
  • 4 - holding crypto
  • 5 - receiving mining profits
  • 6 - cross-border transactions
  • SourceOfFunds List SourceOfFunds
    Can be one of the following
  • 1 - salary
  • 2 - savings
  • 3 - trading profits
  • 4 - other
  • EmploymentStatus Integer Min 1 max 5 Employment status
    Can be one of the following
  • 1 - Employed
  • 2 - Student
  • 3 - Self-employed
  • 4 - Unemployed
  • 5 - Retired
  • CrossBorderDestinationCountries List Required if:
    • OpeningReason contains 6 (cross-border transactions)
    Prohibited if:
    • OpeningReason does not contain 6 (cross-border transactions)
    Cross-border destination country list (ISO 3166 alpha-2, 1 to 3 countries)
    CrossBorderOriginCountries List Required if:
    • OpeningReason contains 6 (cross-border transactions)
    Prohibited if:
    • OpeningReason does not contain 6 (cross-border transactions)
    Cross-border origin country list (ISO 3166 alpha-2, 1 to 3 countries)
    API request sample JSON

    API Response structure

    Parameter nameTypeDescription
    ReferenceID String Our response reference ID
    CallerReferenceID String Your request reference ID
    StatusCode Integer Status code
    StatusDescription String Status description
    API response sample JSON

    Status codes

    Status codeDescription
    -1Invalid parameters
    -3Internal error
    -4Person is already onboarded
    -5Person does not exist
    -6Kyc not found
    -7Kyc document is expired
    -10Person onboarding already started
    -14Person does not have a suitable IBAN
    -15Invalid country code